3 Best Worker Placement Board Games To Choose From

Worker Placement board games are also known as “action drafting”. This means that all players have to draft actions from a set that is available to all players. We have compiled a list of the best worker placement board games.
It was the release of Caylus in 2005 that gave new life to the genre of worker placement games.
In this genre, you use the objects as “workers” to claim spaces that in turn grant you actions you can then use. The point being that most or all of these action spaces are split between all competitors and so have limited availability each turn.
Below is a list of the best worker placement board games!


Egizia is an Egyptian-themed game that the players are builders in Ancient Egypt. This game is based on resource management, variable actions available each round, hidden scoring and chances to clash with the opponent.
You can take the actions along the Nile and once you move past an action space, you can’t go back to it. The results of these actions lead to some interesting decisions as you move forward. This game provides eight workers along with 26 action spaces. It means that you can lose some workers if you move too far ahead.

Empires: Age of Discovery:

It is an improved version of Age of Empires III. This game is played by 2-6 players and lasts for usually 2 hours. The game is interesting because of various tasks, area control and the order in which you have to put your workers.


This is the game that revived the genre of worker placement game. Being one of the most popular games among board game enthusiasts, it is usually played by 2-5 players and lasts 2 hours. You have to choose your actions while other players can then move the goalposts so that you can’t do some of those actions.

This is our pick of the best worker placement games to choose from. Tell us if we have skipped any game you thought should be on the list!
